examples.txt 8/11/95 Newt 3.1 S. Weyer weyer@netaxs.com New since 3.0: - checkpls.nwt (new version) - chessclk.nwt ChessClock example - dontask.nwt turn off/on those annoying "Do you want to add" keyboard prompts - drag.nwt add draggability to existing apps - qf-gps.nwt import position data from Trimble ScoutMaster GPS into QuickFigure - graffiti.nwt add button to Notepad status bar to open/close Graffiti - life*.nwt newer versions: life13.nwt corresponds to Life 1.3 (& replaces lifeb1.nwt) life12b.nwt replaces lifeb0.nwt; life12.nwt replaces life.nwt - newtcust.nwt customizing Newt itself -- adding buttons to statusbar, etc. - seeframe.nwt an object inspector New since 2.5: - bigprint.nwt DTS multi-page printing - exprkbdt.nwt "expression keyboards" (also, exprkbdv.nwt) - hanoi.nwt Tower of Hanoi puzzle - inspterm.nwt "InspecTerm PrintoMania" example from PDA Developers article - marcoums.nwt DTS Marco address lookup via RadioMail - scalshap.nwt zooming a PICT The release floppy currently contains three collections of source examples: - ex-reg30 -- "regular" Newt examples (developed by me originally) - ex-dts30 -- Newt versions based on the Apple DTS examples (examples available to NTK users from Apple's Developer Technical Support on ftp.apple.com/dts/newton/sample) - ex-oth30 -- Newt versions of various other public examples contributed by other developers to uiowa, CIS, AOL, AppleLink. If you find any of these useful, be sure to commit a "senseless act of kindness" and send email (as I tried to do in most cases) to the author thanking him/her for the original example. It's an easy way to make a developer's day. - ex-new31 -- the "newest" examples (to be merged into above 3 archives later) For existing examples, I converted each example into Newt format by starting from an exported "project.text" file, preserving original readme, comments, about boxes, etc. I edited examples to compensate for how Newt and NTK differ in their handling of constants, resources, platform functions, installScripts, autoparts, view naming, etc. Some editing was also necessary to segment/shrink source so that it fits better into Newton's overall memory and Notepad constraints. Maybe I even fixed a bug or two. Many examples focus on a few functions/features; some overlap with other examples in functionality; some are initial programming projects and do not claim to be stellar examples of programming style. Still, they have been useful to me to test Newt and to demonstrate the wide variety of examples that can be built. See notes at end about general changes I may or may not have made. I've merged these into one alphabetical list; you can search for features or descriptions in your favorite text editor). For each file, I provide a brief description, a feature list, a category (for DTS), original (non-DOSified) project/filename, version number/date (for DTS), original author (for Other). If you are interested in finding out more about Newt before registering, and have already looked at applic0.nwt, applic2.nwt, and life.nwt, you can request one example file from me via email (since some examples may not be too understandable without Newt documentation, I reserve the right to suggest alternates that are less complex or that require little documentation). Finally, I encourage you to suggest/submit examples to me that you find or develop. You (or I, if I have time) can convert them and earn you fame and undying gratitude from new Newton developers. ---------- - a2zindex.nwt -- like A to Z index in Names (rolodex) app features: protoPictIndexer [DTS:Proto Templates:protoa2z_TDS; v4-1/18/95] - acmemodm.nwt -- properly handle an asynchronous endpoint connect/disconnect cycle, with retries features: modem endpoint [DTS:Communications:Acme Modem; v2-1/18/95] - acmeserl.nwt -- like acmemodem but for serial and IR endpoints features: serial, IR endpoint [DTS:Communications:Acme Serial; v2-1/18/95] - adjustob.nwt -- buttons that automatically adjust themselves to obey ui guidelines on button spacing; resize based on text contents features: protoAdjustoButton, adjustable button widths, button clusters [DTS:User Interface:AdjustoButton; v1-7/11/94] - adspsamp.nwt -- use CommToolbox and terminal emulator to talk with Newton over ADSP (AppleTalk) connection [DTS:Communications:ADSP Sample; v2-7/11/94] - applic0.nwt -- simple Hello World application (see NewtATut book tutorial) features: tutorial, protoInputLine, user proto, protoCheckBox, protoTextButton, protoFloatNGo [Reg] - applic1,2,3.nwt -- several variations on applic0.nwt for defining apps, changing values, other simple objects [Reg] applic1: variable number of input fields applic2: protoInputLine, protoLabelInputLine, protoLabelPicker, protoSlider, protoRadioButton, protoTextList, protoExpandoShell applic3: same as applic2 but programmatic interface - arryedit.nwt -- some user prototypes for editing arrays or labelCommands: protoArrayEditorVtHick, protoLabelEditPickerVtHick, protoLabelEditInputLine [Oth:Array Editor (Hardy Macia)] - asstcalc.nwt -- an early version of Assist Calc features: Intelligent Assistant, calculator, installScript [Oth:Assist Calc; v2.01 (Hardy Macia)] - autopart.nwt -- a simple autopart ("init") features: autopart, installScript [Oth:AutoPart Demo (John Jeppson)] - autorout.nwt -- routing without a protoActionButton; using printerChooser features: RUNewtInit, print formats, installScript, routing [DTS:Routing:Auto Route; v1-7/11/94] - auxform.nwt -- add an auxiliary info slip to print/fax slips features: print formats, installScript [DTS:Routing:Aux Form; v3-2/28/94] - beepbeep.nwt -- simple app for playing/displaying built-in sounds/bitmaps features: sound, bitmap [Oth:Beep Beep (Erica Sadun)] - bigprint.nwt -- print long (mono-font) text documents and handle page breaks [DTS:Routing; v1-1/18/95] - bitpiano.nwt -- creates two-octave "keyboard" from sampled sounds features: sound [DTS:Sound:Bitchin' Piano; v2-11/12/93] - bits.nwt -- bit manipulation routines features: band, bor, bnot [Oth:Bits (Serg Koren)] - bitsound.nwt -- view bitmaps and play sounds from ROM and soups features: bitmap, sound, soup, scrolling, proto w/ children [Reg] - bomber.nwt -- "a tiny program of questionable taste" ('Cold-War Era') [Oth:Bomber (Mark Dalrymple)] - books.nwt -- three examples of creating stand-alone Newton books. warning: the initial programmatic interface for specifying style and layouts is ugly. This first version will likely evolve if there is interest and feedback from users. see also helpapp1.nwt features: books, help, style, layout [Reg] - buttnbar.nwt -- add buttons to a status bar correctly features: protoStatus [DTS:Views:ButtnBar; v2-28/94] - buttons.nwt -- growable buttons features: DoPopup, protoTextButton, protoAdjustoButton [DTS:Proto Templates:Buttons; v4-7/11/94] - charord.nwt -- converts a character in left box to its unicode number [Oth:Char->Ord (Ben Gottlieb)] - chart.nwt -- a user proto for a line chart [Oth:Chart (Chris Christensen)] - checkbk.nwt -- BIG application example; supports routing, filing, IA (but not Newton Connection) features: routing, soup, Intelligent Assistant [DTS:Miscellaneous:CheckBook; v3-3/9/94] - checkpls.nwt -- simple check calculator for restaurants [Oth:Check Please! (Allan Hoeltje); PocketMoney API by Hardy Macia] - chessclk.nwt -- a digital chess clock for the Newton [Oth:Chess Clock (Hardy Macia)] - chooser.nwt -- set up a simple Chooser to look for printers etc. features: chooser [DTS:Utility Functions:Chooser; v2-2/28/94] - clock.nwt -- demonstrates idle script and some time functions features: idle, Time, date specs [DTS:System Messages:Clock; v2-2/28/94] - constant.nwt -- define a constant plug-in for Newt features: Newt plug-in, autopart [Reg] - convert.nwt -- convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit [Oth:Convert (Howard Oakley)] - datepick.nwt -- date picker like in Preferences or Dates features: clMonthView, data specs, user proto, protoPictureButton [DTS:Views:DatePick; v1-9/15/93] - datetime.nwt -- user protos for picking dates & times [Oth:DateTime (Allan Marcus, Hardy Macia)] - diffstrk.nwt -- capture ink, convert into drawing objects for rendering on the screen, saving, etc. features: strokes, draw [DTS:Drawing:Different Strokes; v2-9/15/93] - dontask.nwt -- turn off/on those "Do you want to add" kbd prompts [Reg:DontAsk (S. Weyer); source included in DontAsk 1.0 release] - dot2dot.nwt -- capturing points for dot-to-dot puzzle features: GetPICTasBits, draw [DTS:Drawing:Dot2Dot; v2-9/15/93] - drag.nwt -- adds dragability to existing apps [Oth:Drag 1.1 (Hardy Macia)] - drawing.nwt -- how to make, display, offset shapes features: draw [DTS:Drawing:Drawing; v2-2/28/94] - dynakids.nwt -- two ways of creating children (subviews) dynamically 1) at define-time with :addStep 2) at run-time with viewSetupChildren [Reg] - dynapick.nwt -- dynamically change items in a protoLabelPicker features: protoLabelPicker [DTS:Proto Templates:DynaPicker; v1-11/12/93] - eleccalc.nwt -- a calculator for electrical measurements [Oth:Electric Calc (??)] - expadate.nwt -- text expando with date fields features: protoExpandoShell, date [DTS:Proto Templates:Date Expando; v1-9/15/93] - expanumb.nwt -- expando item for numbers features: protoExpandoShell, numbers, user proto with children [DTS:Proto Templates:Number Expando; v1-10/7/93] - expaphon.nwt -- text expando with phone list features: protoExpandoShell, phone, user proto [DTS:Proto Templates:Phone Expando; v1-9/15/93] - expatime.nwt -- custom expando item that edits a time features: protoExpandoShell, time, user proto [DTS:Proto Templates:Expando Time; v2-3/7/94] - exprkbdt.nwt -- "syntax-smart" expressions for for entering strings, functions, methods and slots (formerly codetemp.nwt) features: Newt plug-in tool, editing, pseudo-keyboard, protoTextList [Reg] - exprkbdv.nwt -- stand-alone application (view) version of exprkbdt.nwt features: Newt tool, editing, pseudo-keyboard, protoTextList [Reg] - extrachg.nwt -- change an app's icon and text in Extras features: GetPICTasBits, Extras, SetExtrasInfo (platform func) [DTS:Miscellaneous:Extra Change; v2-10/27/93] - factrial.nwt -- calculate factorial [Oth:Factorial (Jacques Boucher, Rick Escher)] - falsalrm.nwt -- how to set alarms features: Alarm platform functions, GetSound [DTS:System Services:False Alarm; v2-7/11/94] - fibonacc.nwt -- compute/benchmark several implementations of Fibonacci series features: benchmark, Time, print [Reg] - floatbut.nwt -- a floating button [Oth:FloatBut (Howard Oakley)] - fontscal.nwt -- how to scale fonts features: text, draw [DTS:Drawing:Font Scaling; v3-9/15/93] - formula1.nwt -- add formulas to the built-in Formulas app features: formulas, RUNewtInit, protoRoll [Reg] - formula2.nwt -- add formulas to Formulas using an autopart and installScript features: autopart, formulas, RUNewtInit, protoRoll, installScript [Reg] - gauges.nwt -- fun with gauges features: protoSlider [DTS:Proto Templates:Gauges; v2-2/28/94] - getpolyg.nwt -- use points data structures features: points, draw, polygon [DTS:Drawing:GetPoly; v1-7/11/94] - glancing.nwt -- fun with protoGlance features: GetPICTasBits, protoGlance, protoPictureButton [DTS:Proto Templates:Glancing; v2-2/28/94] - goodform.nwt -- store and retrieve records from a soup; also beam, find, file the entries, [use Newton Connection kit -- not tested] features: routing, soup, installScript [DTS:Application Design:Good Form; v3-1/18/95] - graffiti.nwt -- add button to Notepad status bar to open/close Graffiti [Oth:Graffiti Button (Ben Gottlieb) - graphic0.nwt -- simple turtle graphics examples (see NewtTurT tutorial) features: tutorial, turtle graphics, recursion, fractal, poly, poly2, polyspi, squiral, cCurve, house, rect [Reg] - graphic1.nwt -- followup to graphic0.nwt. cCurve documentation. features: turtle, cCurve (documentation), dCurve, fractal, fractalx, hilbert, tree, fourNewts (multiple Newts), squiral2, delay, interruptible [Reg] - greasysp.nwt -- "menus" with protoPicker features: protoPicker. (also see greasyfp.nwt for a more compact version using user prototypes) [DTS:Proto Templates:Greasy Spoon; v2-2/28/94] - guitune.nwt -- play 6 tones for guitar tuning [Oth:Guitar Tune (John Calhoun)] - handcrnk.nwt -- fast, low-level text drawing features: idle, draw [DTS:Drawing:Hand Crank; v2-3/8/94] - hanoi.nwt -- Tower of Hanoi puzzle features: recursion, graphics, gestures [Reg] - heavymet.nwt -- pitch shifting with sampled sound features: GetSound, sound [DTS:Sound:Heavy Metal Disco; v3-2/28/94] - helpapp1.nwt -- create an online help book embedded in an application features: help book [Reg] - helpapp2.nwt -- same as helpapp1 but using programmatic :addPage syntax features: help book [Reg] - hourchim.nwt -- set a chime to sound at a certain frequency features: installScript, autoPart [Oth:Hourly Chime (Ben Gottlieb)] - iatour.nwt -- Newton Dev Conf '93 Intelligent Assistant demo features: Intelligent Assistant [DTS:Intelligent Assistant:IA Tour; v3-2/28/94] - idleanim.nwt -- simple animation via viewIdleScript features: idle, draw, GetPICTasBits, protoPictureButton [DTS:Drawing:IdleScript Anime; v2-28/94] - infobutt.nwt -- "i" button for About, Help and Prefs in an app features: protoPictureButton, GetPICTasBits, GetSound, protoStatus [DTS:User Interface:Info Button; v1-7/11/94] - inspterm.nwt -- "InspecTerm PrintoMania" example from PDA Developers article features: Print, debugging, communications, helpbook, Newt, ViewFrame, QuickFigure [Reg] - inspgadg.nwt -- run NewtonScript via Compile function features: inspector, compile [DTS:NewtonScript:Inspector Gadget; v2-2/28/94] - internls.nwt -- browse internal data structures features: inspector [Oth:Internals (Theo Heselmans)] - irremote.nwt -- use IR functions to control consumer electronics [DTS:Communications:IR Remote Sample; v2-7/11/94] - irsample.nwt -- how to write IR protocol applications features: infrared endpoint [DTS:Communications:IR Sample; v2-1/17/95] - irtimesy.nwt -- Synchronize the clocks of two Newtons via IR beaming. features: infrared endpoint, time, GetSound [DTS:Communications:IR TimeSync; v3-10/17/94] - keyboard.nwt -- floating palette of keyboards, including punctuation, time, numeric, and alphabetical [Oth:Keyboard (Erica Sadun) v1.0] - keys.nwt -- keyboard with keycap pictures and string results features: protoKeyboard, protoKeypad, GetPICTasBits [DTS:Proto Templates:Keys; v3-2/28/94] - kr-lett1.nwt -- original, partial version of Kristina's letters (appeared in NANUG _protoReality 1.3; see kr-lett1.art) features: turtle graphics [Reg] - kr-lett2.nwt -- complete version of Kristina's letters (appeared in NANUG _protoReality 1.4; see kr-lett2.art) features: turtle graphics, drawing, font [Reg] - letter.nwt -- 3 ways to perform letter-by-letter recognition features: recognition, protoInputLine, dictionary [DTS:Recognitions:Letter; v1-9/15/93] - libproto.nwt -- complete set of prototype templates that can be customized, copied from a library folder. features: prototypes, documentation, library, Newt environment [Reg] - life12.nwt -- a version of the "game of Life" (mathematical simulation) (corresponds to Life 1.2) features: viewIdleScript, drawing, help book, protoStatus, [Reg; public with Life 1.3 release] - life12b.nwt -- an initial (slow) bitmap version for life12.nwt features: bitmap [Reg] - life13.nwt -- optimized bitmap version -- corresponds to Life 1.3 (native code can be "borrowed" from Life 1.3N) features: idle, draw, binary data/bitmap, native [Reg; public with Life 1.3 release] - littlepr.nwt -- minimalist approach for print and fax. features: print, fax, routing, installScript, GetPICTasBits [DTS:Routing:The Little Prints; v4-2/28/94] - logo1.nwt -- methods & object extensions for Logo-style commands features: Logo, language extensions, object-oriented, Newt environment, wordP, sentenceP, first, butFirst, last, butLast, word, sentence, reverse, wordToSentence, sentenceToWord [Reg] - londcall.nwt -- international phone number conversions features: phone, MungePhone [DTS:Utility Functions:London Calling; v2-2/28/94] - lotto.nwt -- generates random screen patterns [Oth:Lotto (Bertil)] - macshex.nwt -- four-function, 32-bit hex calculator [Oth:Macs Hex (Mac Foster)] - measurup.nwt -- adds clothing size data to Names soup PIE Developers article "Expando Your Horizons" [DTS(CD):MeasureUp] - memfree.nwt -- displays free memory, control GC features: heap, gc, viewIdleScript [Oth:Mem Free (Matthew Dixon Cowles)] - memory.nwt -- displays free memory, control GC features: heap, gc, viewIdleScript, protoGauge [Oth:Memory (John Calhoun)] - modal.nwt -- an application modal dialog features: dialog, interface [DTS:Views:Modal Fun; v2-2/28/94] - multpick.nwt -- pick from popup lists longer than 25 items [Oth:MultiPick (Ben Gottlieb)] - newtcust.nwt customizing Newt itself -- adding buttons to statusbar, to routing(action) frame, and to Eval Controls [Reg:newtcust (S. Weyer)] - newtextf.nwt -- new text drawing functions features: text, draw, TextBox, TextBounds [DTS:Utility Functions:New Text Funcs; v1-7/11/94] - noselect.nwt -- unselect selected data in a view features: ClearSelectionHilites (platform function) [DTS:Views:No Select; v1-7/11/94] - notarize.nwt -- transfer data from app to Notepad features: Notepad, soup, text [DTS:System Data:Notarize; v2-2/28/94] - objviewr.nwt -- displays/inspects the contents of objects in Newton's memory, and provides several ways to jump from one object to another [Oth:Obj Viewer (Robert P. Munafo)] -opentime.nwt -- open Dates application to current hour features: installScript, autopart, Dates, calendar [Oth:OpenTime (Allan Marcus)] - parascrl.nwt -- scroll a clParagraphView features: idle, scrolling, clip [DTS:Views:Paragraph Scroll; v2-11/12/93] - pickers.nwt -- examples of selecting from (long) lists. features: protoLabelPicker, DoPopup, protoPictIndexer (A-Z index), protoTextList, scrolling, protoPicker [Reg] - picoferm.nwt -- source for Pico Fermi Bagels game (PFB 1.2), including help book (see helpapp1.nwt); also see NewtPFB (interactive tutorial) features: tutorial, protoExpandoShell, help book, protoStatus, protoGlance [Reg] - pictbuts.nwt -- change icons of picture buttons features: protoPictureButton, GetPICTasBits [DTS:Proto Templates:Picture Buttons; v2-2/28/94] - pictindx.nwt -- use protoPictIndexer to select icons from large picture features: protoPictIndexer, GetPICTasBits [DTS:Proto Templates:Pict Index; v1-9/15/93] - preefmad.nwt -- add panels to system preferences and formula roll features: preferences, system soup, protoStatus, protoRoll, installScript, protoInfoButton, GetPICTasBits [DTS:System Data:Preefer Madness; v4-7/11/94] - protos1.nwt -- examples of prototypes (also see libproto.nwt): features: protoApp, protoStaticText, protoTextButton, protoPictureButton, protoCheckbox, protoRCheckBox, protoInputLine, protoLabelPicker, protoLabelInputLine, protoBorder, protoGauge, protoDivider, protoSlider, protoRadioCluster, protoRadioButton, protoPictRadioButton, protoPictIndexer [Reg] - protos2.nwt -- examples of more prototypes features: protoFloater, protoTitle, protoStatus, protoStatusBar, protoCancelButton, protoCloseBox, protoFloatNGo, protoFolderTab, protoFilingButton, protoRecToggle, protoGlance, protoSetClock, protoTextList, protoTable, protoTableDef, protoTableEntry, protoExpandoShell, protoTextExpando, protoRoll, protoRollitem, protoRollBrowser [Reg] - protos3.nwt -- examples of more prototypes and viewclasses. features: protoDrawer, protoDateExpando, protoPhoneExpando, protoActionButton, protoPrintFormat, protoKeyboard, protoKeypad, protoLabeledBatteryGauge, clView, clEditView, clGaugeView, clKeyboardView, clMonthView, clOutline, clParagraphView, clPictureView, clPolygonView, clRemoteView [Reg] - prototab.nwt -- scrolling/updating of protoTable features: protoTable, scrolling [DTS:Proto Templates:Proto Table; v2-2/28/94] - pseudins.nwt -- evaluate commands over serial connection features: terminal emulator, communications, serial endpoint, eval, print [DTS:Communications:Pseudo Inspector; v2-3/1/94] - qftool.nwt -- demonstrates a Sort tool extension to QuickFigure features: installScript, QuickFigure spreadsheet, tool [Oth:ToolSamp (Don Vollum)] - qf-gps.nwt -- import position data from Trimble ScoutMaster GPS into QuickFigure [New:QF-GPS (Don Vollum)] - qwerty.nwt -- on-screen kbd without "add-to-dictionary?" prompt or "dictionary" icon. features: protoKeyboard, protoKeyPad, GetPICTasBits [DTS:Proto Templates:Qwerty; v1-7/11/94] - radioclu.nwt -- demonstrates radio button cluster features: protoRadioCluster, protoRadioButton [DTS:Proto Templates:Radio Cluster; v2-2/28/94] - rectoggl.nwt -- recognition toggle button (as in the Notepad) features: protoRecToggle, protoStatus, recognition [DTS:Proto Templates:Rec Toggle; v2-2/28/94] - resistor.nwt -- calculates resistor values features: user protos [Oth:Resistor Calc (Ben Gottlieb)] - rollbrow.nwt -- a roll browser example features: protoRollBrowser [DTS:Proto Templates:Roll Browser] - rpmdemo1.nwt -- dragging/updating floating text fields [Oth:RPM Demo1 (Robert Munafo)] - runnerlg.nwt -- tallying minutes&miles by month and year [Oth:Runner (SOAP Notes)] - scalshap.nwt -- zoom a PICT features: graphics, scaling [Reg] - scicalc.nwt -- Scientific Calculator [Oth:SciCalc (Howard Oakley)] - scrollbl.nwt -- a Mac-like scroll bar with arrows & drag [Oth:Scroll Bar List (Tom Giannulli)] - scrolled.nwt -- simple scrolling [DTS:Scroll Edit (unofficial)] - scroller.nwt -- scroll large text paragraph [Oth:Scroller (Rick Eye)] - scrollpi.nwt -- 2 methods for 2D bitmap clipping/scrolling features: clPictureView, RUNewtInit, addProtoDict, GetPICTasBits, scrolling [DTS:Views:Scroll Pict/Over; v2-10/13/93] - seeframe.nwt -- an object inspector [Oth:SeeFrames (DURAND.TEXTE)] - sendcard.nwt -- put multiple things into outbox features: routing, soup, outbox, beam, installScript [DTS:Routing:Send Card; v3-1/18/95] - serialex.nwt -- simple serial example features: terminal emulator, serial endpoint [DTS:Communications:Serial Example; v1-7/11/94] - serialez.nwt -- send/receive (or eval/print) a line of text between Newton and desktop terminal emulator features: terminal emulator, serial endpoint, communications, inspector [Reg] - shellgam.nwt -- keep 2 side-by-side shells in sync features: protoExpandoShell [DTS:Proto Templates:Shell Game; v3-4/22/94] - showbar.nwt -- setting up a protoFolderTab features: protoFolderTab, filing [DTS:Proto Templates:Show Me to the Bar; v2-2/28/94] - simpdial.nwt -- root's :Dial() method; setting up a protokeyboard features: dial, phone, protoKeyBoard [DTS:Sound:Simple Dialer; v1-3/7/94] - sizedrag.nwt -- drag to change the size of a view features: drag, stretch [DTS:Views:Size Doesn't Matter; v2-9/15/93] - slurpee.nwt -- complete Newt source for Slurpee 1.4 utility. transfer paragraphs/tab-delimited text between soups and desktop terminal emulator. also support keyboard entry and Inspector-like functionality. features: Slurpee, Newt tool, terminal emulator, serial endpoint, communications, soup, Notepad, inspector, Listener, evaluation, print, notify [Reg] - soundadv.nwt -- import, play sounds features: GetSound [DTS:Sound:Sound Advice; v2-9/15/93] - soundtrk.nwt -- a couple of tricks with sound features: sound [DTS:Sound:Sound Tricks; v3-3/7/94] - soup1.nwt -- simple database ("soup") example that creates a soup and lets you navigate/edit it features: read soup, platform functions [Reg] - soup2.nwt -- simple database example to filter/modify an existing soup features: filter/modify soup [Reg] - soupedup.nwt -- browse through any soup, entry by entry [Oth:Souped-Up (Theo Heselmans)] - souper.nwt -- inspect, remove, rename, clear, duplicate soups [Oth:Souper (Stephen Rose)] - souphack.nwt -- some useful Soup functions features: dumping, removing, creating soup (see souprint.nwt) [DTS:Data Storage:Soup Hacking; v1-9/15/93] - souprint.nwt -- for inspecting and printing soup entries features: soup, Newt tool [Reg] - soupshow.nwt -- display data from existing soups features: soup, overview [DTS:Miscellaneous:Soup Show; v2-12/22/93] - souptour.nwt -- walkthrough of many store and soup functions features: soup, programmatic access [Data Storage:Soup Tour; v2-3/7/93] - splashsc.nwt -- a splash screen for app; new Info button features: GetPICTasBits, protoInfoButton, protoStatus [DTS:User Interface:Splash; v1-7/11/94] - stopwatc.nwt -- track elapsed time for different activities features: drag, idle, time [Reg] - strange.nwt -- tracing sequence of certain clEditView scripts features: view script order [DTS:Views:Strange Changes; v2-3/8/94] - supslurp.nwt -- create soups, xfer data over serial connection at 57.6K features: terminal emulator, serial endpoint, communication [DTS:Communications:Super Slurp; v1-7/11/94] - syncscrl.nwt -- using SyncScroll, and view templates height slot features: SyncScroll, clParagraph [DTS:Views:Sync Scroll; v1-7/11/94] - tablist.nwt -- protoTable and protoTextList features: protoTable, protoTextList [DTS:Proto Templates:Tables and Lists; v2-2/28/94] - tabstyle.nwt -- tab & style info in clParagraphView features: clParagraph, tab, font, style [DTS:Views:Tabs and Styles; v2-9/15/93] - textlist.nwt -- how protoTextList works features: protoTextList [DTS:Proto Templates:Text List; v2-9/15/93] - tictacto.nwt -- Tic Tac Toe game [Oth:Tic Tac Toe (Tim Forshee)] - truegrid.nwt -- 3 ways to scroll "grid" views with soup data features: soup, dynamic views, scroll, benchmarks [DTS:Application Design:True Grid; v2-1/18/95] - tvpad.nwt -- IR control for Magnavox, Mitsubishi or Sony TV, Emerson VCR [Oth:TVpad (Bjorn Gahm or John Calhoun ???)] - undoredo.nwt -- registering Undo, attempting Redo features: AddUndoAction [DTS:System Services:Undo Redo; v2-9/15/93] - unholydr.nwt -- create your own "drawers" like Extras features: protoDrawer [DTS:Proto Templates:Unholy Drawers; v2-2/28/94] - upinsmok.nwt -- the ever popular smoke/poof/scrub effect features: cloud, bitmap, animation, erase [DTS:Drawing:Up in Smoke; v3-10/1/93] - viewscrp.nwt --trace order of form, child, done, and drawing scripts features: view script order (see strange.nwt) [DTS:Views:View Scripts; v2-2/28/94] - viewsize.nwt -- dynamic resizing of application view [Oth:XDM ViewSizing (Richard Naszcyniec)] - waksleep.nwt -- detects when the Newton wakes up features: MyPowerOnScript, AddPowerOffHandler, RemovePowerOffHandler [DTS:Views:Wake Up and Go to Sleep; v1-3/3/94] - wallymat.nwt -- compiles mathematical expression as NewtonScript features: compile [DTS:Utility Functions:Wally Math; v2-2/28/94] - weight.nwt -- annotate weights on airplane diagram & compute [Oth:Aircraft Weight (Jeff Hokit)] - wordarry.nwt -- recognition stats for most-likely words & confidence scores features: GetWordArray, GetScoreArray, recognition [DTS:Recognitions:Word Array; v1-7/11/94] - wrapitup.nwt -- 2 ways to change height of clParagraphViews dynamically features: clParagraph, SimpleTextHeight (platform function) [DTS:Views:Wrap it Up; v3-7/11/94] - xfercalc.nwt -- calc transfer speeds for various file sizes & modem rates [Oth:Xfer Calc Formula (Allan Marcus) - yesno.nwt -- creating a questionnaire (amusing to X-Files or Animaniacs fans?) features: user proto, protoRadioButton [Reg]